Your story matters. If you want the world to know about a powerful spiritual experience you had, please contact me with a short summary and I will happily consider it for book 5 of the Magic is Real series! Guidelines:
•If you like and Amazon allows, I would love to list you as a coauthor of the book, so your name appears on the Amazon page. This depends on legal considerations and some paperwork we will need to process. Happy to pay it forward and help you in your journey if you like. This isn’t required, and you are free to submit under a pseudonym or anonymously, though all stories should be true 😉
•The final version should be 2000-10,000 words
•There should be enough detail so readers can get a clear picture of your mystical experience: before, during and after
•Your story will be more powerfully felt if it includes explanations on how the event was an actual experience not easily explainable by the regular rules of physics and traditional materialistic western science. Our goal is to inspire and teach, and reach many people from many backgrounds. While there is significant scientific evidence on energy healing, spirits, past lives and the powers of consciousness, not everyone has reviewed this – so include your thoughts on why this experience was significant, and why the primary Cause and Effect was a spiritual one (accurate perception, not fantasy or delusion).
•Any topic goes: Psychic events, miraculous healings, precognitions, weather manipulation, plant Magic, telepathy, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, aerokinesis, and anything else inspiring.
•Remember, this book will be publicly available and translated to other languages. Please polish your submission with excellent grammar, and if you reference any scientific or historical sources, please include links to good references. While I might do some editing, I hope to keep it minimal. Please consider the privacy of any individuals mentioned and in your story submission, mention that names had been changed. If you don’t, unless it’s important that a specific name stay the same, I may substitute names just to be respectful.
•I believe in giving back to the community and showing gratitude to all contributors. Because it can be difficult to measure the impact of any chapter or story on book sales, the proceeds from the Magic is Real series (including this book) will go towards growing our organization and build temples to serve humanity, as outlined in chapter 13 of Magic is Real: How to Create Reality, Manifest Miracles and Make Spirituality Fun Again! Thus there will not be financial compensation for submitted or published stories, and we will own the rights to submitted content, though of course you will be free to share it elsewhere in non-commercial uses. Every author of a published story will receive a free enrollment in Wizard School, spot in our mastermind, or other generous gift – whatever is the best fit 🙂
•As of this writing, Magic is Real book #1 (above) is published, Magic is Real books #2 and #3 are drafted, and Magic is Real book #4 is outlined. Book 5 will likely be published early to
•Video submissions are always welcome! We are building a “Wall of Miracles” section of the site for just this purpose. Videos should be under 5 minutes and ideally aligned with these guidelines, and unless you request otherwise, the video may be transcribed and included as a book chapter. Please make sure your video is of good quality in all respects; high resolution is best (we can always compress it). All videos should be shared over Google Drive and in the .mov or .mp4 format. •If you have more than 1 powerful story to share, please only submit a maximum of 3 stories, each in the guidelines above. Thank you so much for considering to share your Magical story with the world!
There’s a lot to talk about regarding this topic. More will be shared soon. If you liked the depth and specificity of this article, much more similar content is available on Wizard School in video format.
If you would like to book a private session with me to receive support with this or any other spiritual practice, you can reach out any time 🙂
It is an honor to serve you 🙏
I love you.
I believe in you.
We are one.
-David Solomon