Magic is Real Blog: Selected Writings from David Solomon
Your Small and Higher Self: Magic & Spiritual Growth
Have you ever realized some types of Magic are incredibly rare? One explanation is that they are really hard - or following the above, that they require a significant amount of power and conviction. Take moving the wind versus resurrecting a bird. In your heart of...
Focusing on Vibrations
If you want to start achieving your objectives that most people in the physical world rely on through consciousness, start small. Focus deeply and intently on the vibrations. If you have the energy and the time, you can replicate the effects of virtually any compound...
Practical Instruction: Directing the Wind
This "Directing the Wind" exercise is a Foundational Exercise. What matters here is not the specific intention, but the foundational skills you will build by practicing this. When you succeed, the inspiring reality that you can direct the wind will drive your study...
Expectation Creates Reality
If you believe something strongly enough, learn about it, devote your time and attention and care, and frame a System of Magic revolving around colored candles… then all of your Magic will revolve around that. I actually met someone recently who read that swear words...
What is Power?
You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.Rumi Power is faucet through which life flows forth. Many of us mistake power for force. But this is not so. Power is the means through which action is accomplished. Power vs. Force Power creates,...
Astral Journey: A Present from the Fairies
The universe is big. It’s vast and complicated and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles.Doctor Who Guided Astral Journey A glittering universe of flying kittens massively enlarged. Inside each kitten is a...
10 Secrets of Magic the World is Now Ready For
For millennia, Mystery Schools protected the secrets of how our reality (Matrix, Hologram, Program, Maya) operates - and how to change it. With the Kali Yuga finished and the Age of Aquarius upon us, the Mayan portal past and the end of a long period of darkness, we...
Entering a Portal: Your Guide
There is among a galaxy of stars a friendly being coming to visit you on this very day as you close your eyes and enter the portal to the astral realm. You see surrounding darkness, pure rich and velvety blackness, neither good nor bad. This is the space among the...
Channeling Art: Opening Your Channel
We invite you now to be open. We offer you the material of Paul Selig, a highly capable channel who has held the vibration of Melchizedek (Archangel Michael and the King of Salem for those who read The Alchemist). So while you still have a body, enjoy it! Release the...
How To Link Your Goals Together
So many times people are used to “mission statements” and “purpose statements” for companies. I’m convinced you should have one for your life. You are your own little entity. I agree that you are working on oneness. But until you are working on that, you are IT....