Bali Retreat: Embodying your Higher Self
ScheduleThis is the schedule template for our retreat, a template which will serve as a guide. Before and after every module, we will align, tune in, and feel what is in the highest and best service of the group to focus our time and efforts on.
This program is educational, and as Wizard School builds, this retreat will count towards a certification, which has other elements including initiations and private study. Please contact David if you would like to learn more about these matters.
In the interest of keeping true to yourself, please remember that, if you feel you must, you are free to skip a session if needed. While we want you to make the most out of your trip, group cohesion is very important, so please consider that we advise you to only exercise this option once or twice.
Pre-Retreat Workshop
Ascension Practices: Touch Nonduality. Elevate above story to the place where all meanings are constructed. See, feel and embody eternal bliss, and the freedom to shift into any timeline or dimension you so choose, as Awareness.
Ascension Embodiment Practice: Sustainably Ground into the Divine, Causal, Astral and Physical bodies, creating stories while staying connected to
Reality: Integration to Fragmentation and Back Again: Emotions, stories, and identification with Ego vs Source. Integrating Ego and Source. Preparing for deep and rapid transformation, and collecting examples of the most rapid, valuable, rocket-ship growth we’ve experienced while maintaining health, well being and balance.
Day 1
7:00 am: Egoless Yoga. This flow is designed to highlight the strongest parts of your ego, and release them, rebirthing or shedding them as serves you best. (David and Nick)
8:30 am: Breakfast of Source Energy. For the first 15 minutes, experience guided nei gong exercises to drink in universal Prana into each chakra, adapted from Bretharian traditions. An optional breakfast of physical food is offered after 😉
9:15 am: Establishing the Container, expectations, and teacher intro
10:15 am: Break
10:30 am: Intentional Manifestation Meditation.
11:00 am: Lightning bios from every participant.
12:00 pm: Lunch your Spirit Family group [4 people total]
1:30 pm: Admin, locations of key resources, massage, etc around the retreat center
2pm: Express your truest emotions on stage Improv Class. See and be seen in a loving, supportive container.
3:00 pm: Rapid, Embodied Manifestation and the Science of Applied Consciousness.
4:00 pm: Break
4:25 pm: Re-imaging your life story: Turning Wounds into Gifts
6:30 pm: Break
7:00 pm: Spirit Speed Dating Tapas Dinner: Rotate plates and partners as you get to know up to 8 fellow travelers in 15-minute deep dives. Each table will have a theme, such as:
- Eye gazing and slow, heartfelt speech
- Deep, provocative questions
- Free form flow
- Nonverbal conversation (talk with your entire body!)
- Light touch massage trade
- Make a painting together
- Co-create a story
- Mystical and Miracle Experiences Sharing
9:00 pm: Free time
Day 2
7:00 am: Yoga: Sun Salutations and Flow
8:30 am: Source Breakfast + food
9:15 am: Spells, intentions, and prayer: The link between Magical systems
10:15 am: Break
10:30 am: Group Sharing Circle
12:00 pm: Lunch and friendship making 🙂
2:00 pm: Authentic Communication Workshop
3:00 pm: Coffee and bathroom break
3:15 pm: Life Goals, Life Challenges Workshop: Writing your Ideal Story from a Clean Slate
5:30 pm: Break
6:00 pm: Higher Self connection: Channeled guided meditation and exercises
7:00 pm: Dinner and socializing; you deserve a break!
9:00 pm: Contact Dance: Have fun swirling your body passionately!
Day 3
7:00 am: Yin Yoga and Restoring the Cellular Body
8:30 am: Source Breakfast
9:15 am: Ego desires VS Higher Self perspective on life choices: Map out your Ideal Life Story from each perspective. Notice where they overlap and where they diverge.
10:30 am: Break
10:45 am: In pairs, notice what is needed to surrender to be on the Higher Self path, and what feels aligned to permission for the Ego path. Support each other with integration.
12:00 pm: Lunch
2:00 pm: Past Treasures and Future Focus: Processing and Healing support for what has arisen so far. Confronting the Ego and the things it has been grasping onto can be a very powerful exercise, and much can come up. During this period, all leaders – and outside healers if needed – will come into the space and support any processing you may be going through. Students will also team up in small groups, matching skills with needs.
4:00 pm: Break
4:30 pm: Dance of Silliness and Intense Happy Flow! Recondition yourself to release emotion through movement, and step out of story. Embody as much spontaneous Joy as you can and help everyone else do the same! (all participants are strongly encouraged to attend)
5:30 pm: Early dinner
7:30 pm: Game night and party time
9:00 pm: Ecstatic Dance: Express the Art of your Body!
Day 4
7:00 am: Yoga & Pranayama
8:30 am: Source Breakfast
9:15 am: Sharing Circle: Success Stories
10:30 am: Self-Confidence Masterclass: “How do you define and embody your most Confident self, responsibly, playfully and authentically?”
11:30 am: Break
12:00 pm – 3:00 pm: Vision Boards to Mind Movies: Create your Reality and the Vehicle that Keeps you on Track (3 hours)
1:00 pm: Superfood Liquid Lunch, made to order and served while staying in flow
3:00 pm: Break
4:00 pm: Sharing, Support and Strategy in small groups
5:00 pm: Golden Age Vision: Imagine a world…
5:30 pm: Collage Creation Collaboration: One image and one Purpose statement from everyone’s creation, combined into a powerful, anchoring artwork
7:00 pm: Dinner
9:00 pm: Option A: Bali Mud Immersion Ceremony (Mud Baths). Option B: Golden Age Collages Continued
Day 5
7:00 am: Yoga Nidra
8:30 am: Source Breakfast
9:15 am: Second round of Ascension Embodiment Practice: Sustainably Ground into the Divine, Causal, Astral and Physical bodies, creating stories while staying connected to source
9:45 am: Second round of Reality: Integration to Fragmentation and Back Again: Emotions, stories, and identification with Ego vs Source. Integrating Ego and Source.
10:15 am: Bathroom and coffee break
10:30 am: Honoring, Loving and Integrating the Shadow: Light in the Darkness
11:30 am: Tapping into The Primal (Expressive Movement Exercise)
12:00 pm: Superfood Lunch
2:00 pm: Channeling our Mind Movies: Learn to shift into instant embodiment of the most powerful, complete and connected transmission of your Purpose and Vision, aligned with your highest self. Practice in small groups, receive feedback, and get to the point where your ego can step out of the way and you can fully embody your words at any place, any time. Very useful for inspiring teammates, investors, friends, and the general public. Channeling from Source and being nourished while being expressive, rather than emotionally drained from the intensity.
4:00 pm: Break
4:15 pm: Sharing Circle
6:15 pm: Light Dinner
7:30 pm: Closing talks. Next steps and congratulations!
9:00 pm: Bonfire Ceremony and Spirit Party with Special Musical Guest
Please apply here so we can contact you, schedule a video interview and chat about your upcoming trip.
Bali Retreat: Embodying your Higher Self
This program is educational, and as Wizard School builds, this retreat will count towards a certification, which has other elements including initiations and private study. Please contact David if you would like to learn more about these matters.
In the interest of keeping true to yourself, please remember that, if you feel you must, you are free to skip a session if needed. While we want you to make the most out of your trip, group cohesion is very important, so please consider that we advise you to only exercise this option once or twice.
Pre-Retreat Workshop
Ascension Practices: Touch Nonduality. Elevate above story to the place where all meanings are constructed. See, feel and embody eternal bliss, and the freedom to shift into any timeline or dimension you so choose, as Awareness.
Ascension Embodiment Practice: Sustainably Ground into the Divine, Causal, Astral and Physical bodies, creating stories while staying connected to source
Reality: Integration to Fragmentation and Back Again: Emotions, stories, and identification with Ego vs Source. Integrating Ego and Source. Preparing for deep and rapid transformation, and collecting examples of the most rapid, valuable, rocket-ship growth we’ve experienced while maintaining health, well being and balance.
Day 1
7:00 am: Egoless Yoga. This flow is designed to highlight the strongest parts of your ego, and release them, rebirthing or shedding them as serves you best. (David and Nick)
8:30 am: Breakfast of Source Energy. For the first 15 minutes, experience guided nei gong exercises to drink in universal Prana into each chakra, adapted from
9:15 am: Establishing the Container, expectations, and teacher intro
10:15 am: Break
10:30 am: Intentional Manifestation Meditation.
11:00 am: Lightning bios from every participant.
12:00 pm: Lunch your Spirit Family group [4 people total]
1:30 pm: Admin, locations of key resources, massage, etc around the retreat center
3:00 pm: Rapid, Embodied Manifestation and the Science of Applied Consciousness.
4:00 pm: Break
4:25 pm: Re-imaging your life story: Turning Wounds into Gifts
6:30 pm: Break
7:00 pm: Spirit Speed Dating Tapas Dinner: Rotate plates and partners as you get to know up to 8 fellow travelers in 15-minute deep dives. Each table will have a theme, such as:
- Eye gazing and slow, heartfelt speech
- Deep, provocative questions
- Free form flow
- Nonverbal conversation (talk with your entire body!)
- Light touch massage trade
- Make a painting together
- Co-create a story
- Mystical and Miracle Experiences Sharing
9:00 pm: Free time
Day 2
7:00 am: Yoga: Sun Salutations and Flow
8:30 am: Source Breakfast + food
9:15 am: Spells, intentions, and prayer: The link between Magical systems
10:15 am: Break
10:30 am: Group Sharing Circle
12:00 pm: Lunch and friendship making 🙂
2:00 pm: Authentic Communication Workshop
3:00 pm: Coffee and bathroom break
3:15 pm: Life Goals, Life Challenges Workshop: Writing your Ideal Story from a Clean Slate
5:30 pm: Break
6:00 pm: Higher Self connection: Channeled guided meditation and exercises
7:00 pm: Dinner and socializing; you deserve a break!
9:00 pm: Contact Dance: Have fun swirling your body passionately!
Day 3
7:00 am: Yin Yoga and Restoring the Cellular Body
8:30 am: Source Breakfast
9:15 am: Ego desires VS Higher Self perspective on life choices: Map out your Ideal Life Story from each perspective. Notice where they overlap and where they diverge.
10:30 am: Break
10:45 am: In pairs, notice what is needed to surrender to be on the Higher Self path, and what feels aligned to permission for the Ego path. Support each other with integration.
12:00 pm: Lunch
2:00 pm: Past Treasures and Future Focus: Processing and Healing support for what has arisen so far. Confronting the Ego and the things it has been grasping onto can be a very powerful exercise, and much can come up. During this period, all leaders – and outside
4:00 pm: Break
4:30 pm: Dance of Silliness and Intense Happy Flow! Recondition yourself to release emotion through movement, and step out of
5:30 pm: Early dinner
7:30 pm: Game night and party time
9:00 pm: Ecstatic Dance: Express the Art of your Body!
Day 4
7:00 am: Yoga & Pranayama
8:30 am: Source Breakfast
9:15 am: Sharing Circle: Success Stories
10:30 am: Self-Confidence Masterclass: “How do you define and embody your most Confident self, responsibly, playfully and authentically?”
11:30 am: Break
12:00 pm – 3:00 pm: Vision Boards to Mind Movies: Create your Reality and the Vehicle that Keeps you on Track (3 hours)
1:00 pm: Superfood Liquid Lunch, made to order and served while staying in
3:00 pm: Break
4:00 pm: Sharing, Support
5:00 pm: Golden Age Vision: Imagine a world…
5:30 pm: Collage Creation Collaboration: One image and one Purpose statement from everyone’s creation, combined into a powerful, anchoring artwork
7:00 pm: Dinner
9:00 pm: Option A: Bali Mud Immersion Ceremony (Mud Baths). Option B: Golden Age Collages Continued
Day 5
7:00 am: Yoga Nidra
8:30 am: Source Breakfast
9:15 am: Second round of Ascension Embodiment Practice: Sustainably Ground into the Divine, Causal, Astral and Physical bodies, creating stories while staying connected to
9:45 am: Second round of Reality: Integration to Fragmentation and Back Again: Emotions, stories, and identification with Ego vs Source. Integrating Ego and Source.
10:15 am: Bathroom and coffee break
10:30 am: Honoring, Loving and Integrating the Shadow: Light in the Darkness
11:30 am: Tapping into The Primal (Expressive Movement Exercise)
12:00 pm: Superfood Lunch
2:00 pm: Channeling our Mind Movies: Learn to shift into
4:00 pm: Break
4:15 pm: Sharing Circle
6:15 pm: Light Dinner
7:30 pm: Closing talks. Next steps and congratulations!
9:00 pm: Bonfire Ceremony and Spirit Party with Special Musical Guest
Please apply here so we can contact you, schedule a video interview and chat about your upcoming trip.